Oct 6, 2012

In the case of hunger, brake the glass

A great aridity happened this summer in Serbia and according to the news, it will be great famine. So I prepared something, just in case.

For this small project you will need following: 

  • A wooden frame (or you make it out of cardboard) that has a depth of about 2cm. 

  • A piece of pressed cardboard (2mm) that has to be exactly of same size as the frame itself.
  • A bit of dried flowers 
  • Various grains and seeds you most probably have somewhere in your kitchen. Personally, I have bought some seeds for birds, there you have a pretty nice collection.
  • Wooden glue 
  • Hammer and nails for frame fixation

Divide the cardboard plate into 9 parts. Use the wooden glue in order to fix flowers and seeds on the cardboard surface.

Make 4 dividers out of cardboard that will serve to separate these 9 parts.

Fix it carefully on the cardboard plate. Use wooden or plastic glue. Let it dry completely.

Turn it and fix it on the frame using hammer and nails.
Do not forget to enclose a frame hook .. and done.


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