Oct 18, 2012

Laptop cardboard holder

For one of my dear friend and colleague, who deserves a special place on this blog, I made a holder for a laptop.

I have to admit that I should have done it much earlier, but having decided to change the company, he finally managed to put me in action. 
Anyway, he helped me a lot regarding my cardboard projects. He wouldn't thrown away even the smallest cardboard box.

A holder for the laptop should have some holes, so that the heat can easily flow away. And since he likes to laugh a lot, just like children do, I immediately thought about smiley. However, when you get to smiley's mouth, I could not help but add the first and then the second tooth. Well, I really couldn't resist it.
First I created an initial draft.

I made three identical cutouts on the cardboard plate and fixed them together using plastic glue.

Then I cutted a lateral lever, which rely on the plate from the back; the lever is about 15cm high.
Then I fixed the front cardboard pieces (about 1.5 cm wide), so the laptop would not fall down.
I covered ends with paper tape.

After this initial fixation of cardboard parts, I took wooden glue mixed with a bit of water and did the first impregnation process. When it was dry I made a mixture of wooden glue, wood putty, wall putty, linseed oil and a little water. I waited till it was dry again and I colored it - using a golden dust for teeth - I couldn't help myself.:)
He says, it serves him well and he takes it even into bed ...


laptop cover said...

This is really cool. Love this stylish funny face holders.

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