Another picture has been created. When I finished it, I found it a bit morbid.
If there were not that window that offers a bit of hope, I'd be sincerely worried.
I fixed newspaper over the cardboard mixing the wood glue with water and arranged it with my fingers on the surface in order to get relief.
The image consists of four connected parts, each part having size of 11cm x 50cm. I didn't use oil paints, if I did, I would have probably got a better effect. Instead, I used the same acrylic based colors that I normally use for painting furniture: color + acrylic based toners for walls, for shading.
These colors are dull, when they dry; that's why I covered the picture with hair spray, which has smoothly lacquered the surface, without too shiny effect, just as it should. The picture looks like this:
If there were not that window that offers a bit of hope, I'd be sincerely worried.
I fixed newspaper over the cardboard mixing the wood glue with water and arranged it with my fingers on the surface in order to get relief.
The image consists of four connected parts, each part having size of 11cm x 50cm. I didn't use oil paints, if I did, I would have probably got a better effect. Instead, I used the same acrylic based colors that I normally use for painting furniture: color + acrylic based toners for walls, for shading.
These colors are dull, when they dry; that's why I covered the picture with hair spray, which has smoothly lacquered the surface, without too shiny effect, just as it should. The picture looks like this:
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