May 26, 2011

Cardboard kitchen shelf - part IV

Did I say in my last post 'one more night'? I really do overestimate me.
I will correct me now and say - still thousand and one night left.
The construction took finally its end, the shelf is ready for final coloring, we both got some white color, the drawers are bit late in process and I am still not sure if I would like to cover it on the top or not. This will be decided spontaneously and I would appreciate any suggestion.

These two mobile bags have took part in one winning game organized by the company I am working at. That's why the carton shelf had to suffer a bit...

May 25, 2011

Cardboard kitchen shelf - part III

Construction almost done.  One more night ...

May 24, 2011

Cardboard kitchen shelf - part II

After two nights, the construction is taking its end. It goes really slowly and I wish I had a magic stick. I am still satisfied with results obtained, there are some small mistakes but I put all my hope in the pressed carton which I used at last in order to cover whole construction. I do not like effect produced by newspaper glued over it, the pressed carton gives a perfect surface. I have already glued the pressed carton on some places, but I am not sure if the difference can be noticed. This is image of how it looked day before yesterday.

My wonderful assistant is always there to help if something goes wrong.

Today it looks like this.  Few days left to finish the construction

May 20, 2011

Stickman in love

Do not think I was lazy. And I didn't give up from my cardboard shelf, I just moved this 'one' night to monday. I had to create something else for my dearest friend who happened to become an owner of this small mobile bag for iPhone.

The bag has motives on both sides and it looks like this.

May 12, 2011

Carboard tablet

The tablet is still not ready. I understood that I have to make several projects at the same time, since I am very impatient one and I really do have a problem to respect the necessary time the carton needs to get dry well. I fixed some additional floral part on my tablet, also made of carton, but the thin one (I used a shoe box). So here it is how it looked before I colored it.

Carton tablet, kartonski posluzavnik

I will try to obtain some antic view of it, but I am not sure that I will succeed in it. More photos anyway later on.

May 11, 2011

Carton kitchen shelf

And after these two experimental small projects, of course the bigger one.
Up to now it looks like this. It took me 2 and half days to cut parts and to reach this point.

Carton kitchen shelf upside down

Carton kitchen shelf

May 9, 2011

Cardboard table

So, as I promised, here it is, ready for use. I was thinking of adding some floral elements on it, but still the perfect idea is missing.

Carton table, kartonski stocic

Carton table, kartonski stocic

May 6, 2011

Carton furniture

Complete fascination! After a month of studding the technique, here is the first creation of the small table and the tablet. They are still in the phase of creation. More images to come in the next few days.

carton table, kartonski stocic

carton tablet, kartonski posluzavnik

carton table, kartonski stocic