So finally done! Honestly, I thought this would never happen. In my last post I have already mentioned, that I would try to make some small resume of stuff I used in order to create a shelf.
Please note that I am very negligent concerning the costs and writing it all down, but here are some rough information:
And finally, this is what came out of it:

I samo jos da primetim, fotografijom se nikada necu baviti:)))
Just to mention, I will never go in for photography:)))
Please note that I am very negligent concerning the costs and writing it all down, but here are some rough information:
- around 12 boxes used mostly for relocation (a lot of parts are left since I couldn't use them because they were too small for this shelf)
- 1kg 1/2 of wood glue
- 1kg 1/2 acrylic wood putty (I hope this is the right word for it)
- a bit of linseed oil, around 50ml
- 1kg white primary color for wood
- 1/2 kg specific glue also for wood, but it works for some other stuff, like gum or shoes.
- 1/2 kg acryllic wood varnish
- 1kg yellow acrylic color
- a bit of blue, black, brawn color (I used walls' toner)
- 1/2m jute tissue
- 1/2m cotton tissue (beige color)
- a bit of rope
- 1/4m tissue with stripes.
- around 40 pieces of hot glue sticks
And finally, this is what came out of it:
I samo jos da primetim, fotografijom se nikada necu baviti:)))
Just to mention, I will never go in for photography:)))
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