Nov 26, 2012

Bird's house

I have finally fixed the birds' house on my balcony. I hope it is now completely dried and ready to conquer rain and snow; the birds are still not coming, however I hope this will change in the near future. The final result of the house looks like this:

I have already added birds' food.

 I could not make photos from all sides, now when it's fixed. But I guess you still can get impression of how it looks like.

Nov 15, 2012

Cardboard bed

I have finished the birds' house but still haven't made any photos. Coming soon!

In one of my earlier posts I mentioned that I had started a cardboard bed. Since it was really hot at that moment, I stopped my work and decided to make it later.

And this 'later' is now! One of the hardest part of the work is now done: I have cut all pieces and put them partly together. There is still lot of work waiting for me, until the bed really get its form.
I haven't taken a photo of single pieces and now I am sorry for that. However, if someone would need a scheme, I will draw it with pleasure.
Here are some photos:

Please do not think I did it all alone. In every project I have the best assistant ever!

Nov 1, 2012

Birds' cardboard house -II

My birds' house slowly but surely looks much better then I first thought. I do have many ideas how to decorate it, but I guess I will leave it for the second release, in springtime, because it is getting colder and colder these days so I must hurry up. I heard, it can take quite a while until birds start to use such kind of houses, however I really do hope they will like it as much as I did while creating it.

In one moment, the birds' house looked like this. It was still necessary to make final impregnation and coloring.

Birds' house from the front 

Birds' house from the back

Birds' house prefinal

On the 'ground' of the house as well as on its bottom, I used eggshells so it looks a bit as small 'stones'. And I colored it a bit. Soon, the final result will come. Enjoy your day!